Our prayer, as we extend an invitation to each of you, is that you would come with a seeking heart, eager to know Jesus Christ and a desire to be part of our amazing community.  We know our world is so full of opportunities and choices that it is so easy to be involved in many different things.  We hope what you will find here at Centenary Youth Ministry is a place to belong, be you, and be loved.

Our Youth Ministry is intentional about loving you where you are and encouraging you to grow deeper in your relationship with God by giving you space and tools to encounter the living, loving Jesus so that your life may be transformed.

Please scroll through our website, pick an activity or two... or three and invite a friend to come with you.  You can also follow us on our Instagram page @centenary_youth. We can't wait to meet you and to have be a part of our awesome Centenary community.

We are looking forward to meeting you and knowing you.  Please contact Tammy Pollock, Director of Youth Ministry, to find out more information about our Youth Ministry.

Contact Youth Ministry

Our Mission

“To love youth on behalf of Jesus in hopes of loving them to Jesus.”

Our Beliefs

The Centenary United Methodist Church’s Youth Ministry’s mission is founded on the biblical vision of the human person who is created in the image and likeness of God and whose deepest longing is for communion with God and others in love. In response to Christ’s invitation to abide in him (John 15:4), we believe that the central purpose of youth ministry is to invite the minds and hearts of young people to an intimate relationship with God in Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We seek to fulfill our mission through Sunday School, worship, music, youth programs, Confirmation, retreats, missions & outreach, and relationships that live out a contemplative approach to youth discipleship. A contemplative approach to youth ministry is based on our commitment to cultivate attentiveness to God’s presence of young people and in is supported in the following seven ways:


Just as Jesus led a life of simplicity with times for rest, solitude, and silence (Matt. 14:22-23), we also are committed to helping our youth find rest and balance in a hyperactive, overcommitted, dangerously busy culture. A life that honors Sabbath rest helps us to be more in touch with our heart and soul, more aware of the Spirit of God and more available for relationships to love. Youth blossom in the midst of adults who know how to savor the life through a Sabbath rhythm of rest, work, relationships, and play. Companions of our youth ministry seek to maintain the simplicity and sacred balance in their own lives and ministry.


Just as Jesus’ life and ministry were grounded in a desire to be at complete union with God (Mk 6:46; Jn 17:1), we also seek to ground all life and ministry in a prayerful relationship with God in Christ. We practice and teach many forms of prayer but are particularly committed to regular periods of contemplative prayer in order to be healed, inspired, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Contemplative prayer invites us to attend to God’s mystical presence dwelling silently within the depths of our hearts opening our whole being to ongoing conversation and freeing us for an ever-deepening awareness of that presence in all persons, things, and events in our lives. Companions of our youth ministry seek to practice contemplative prayer with scripture each day as well as at regular times in the church life.

Covenant Community

Just as Jesus called and ministered with others in a community of spiritual companions (Matt. 10:1-4), we also encourage, support and practice in a small Youth Leadership Team, in which we all have common call to spiritual growth through Christian living and ministry to our youth. This group offers witness to a way of life that is creatively resistant to the seductions of the market culture and the dullness that can inhabit Christian institutions. Companions of our youth ministry commit to meeting each quarterly with our Youth Ministry Team for sharing, prayer, scripture study and discernment in service of our ministry to our young people.


Just as Jesus sought to form disciples through a relationship of love and invitation to follow him (Mt. 4:18), we also seek to initiate young persons into the Christian faith through relationships with elders (Confirmation Shepherds, Sunday school teachers, mission trip leaders, Hoops4Him coaches, & Adult Youth Leaders) who join them in living the way of authentic discipleship. Young people are searching for spiritual guides who are alive in Christ to help reveal to them their deepest identity and beauty as beloved daughters and sons of God and to assist them in discerning their unique gifts to be lived out in service to God. Companions of our youth ministry seek to be compassionate elders in the faith who seek our regular accompaniment for themselves and who actively model the disciplines, virtues and fruits of the spiritual life.


Just as Jesus prayed to know and follow God’s desire (Lk. 22:39), we also seek to discern and respond faithfully to the call of the Holy Spirit on our lives and in ministry with our young people. We practice and teach the disciplines of individual and group discernment so as to be fully available and responsive to the movement of God’s grace in our covenant communities, allowing anxiety-driven youth ministry to become Spirit-led youth ministry. Companions of our youth ministry seek to learn and practice the spiritual disciplines of discernment as the basis for opening, listening and responding to God’s call in our youth ministry.


Just as Jesus exhorted his disciples to “let the children come” (Mk. 9:35; 10:13), we also seek the full inclusion of young people and the many gifts they bring into every dimension of the church life: worship, teaching, proclamations, fellowship and service. Young people often suffer marginalization in the church and suffer the pain of not feeling accepted and appreciated for who they are. As elders in a covenant community, adult companions of our youth ministry seek not only to accompany young people individually on the way of Jesus, but also advocate for them in finding theirs place as fellow ministers of the Gospel in the larger community of the church and its mission in the world.

Authentic Action

Just as Jesus came out of prayer and solitude to heal the sick, welcome the outcast, and celebrate with friends (Lk. 4:18-19; Jn. 12:1), so we also seek to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in a way of life rooted in the Beatitudes that witnesses to Christ’s love, passion, and joy. Communal practices of Sabbath, prayer, discernment, and accompaniment find their fulfillment in actions with youth that make visible the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Young people desire opportunities to participate in Christ’s healing and liberating activity within the world (ex. mission trips, Love thy Neighbor, etc.). Companions of our youth ministry seek to support youth and adults in becoming instruments of God’s grace who courageously resist the principalities and powers that oppress life and creatively reveal the reality of God’s love.

Our Invitation…

Our Youth Ministry at Centenary United Methodist Church is intentional about offering youth and adult youth leaders space and tools, through these seven movements, to encounter the living, loving Jesus so that we may all be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. We invite all young persons into this youth ministry community as we strive to life out the way of Jesus and love in our world.

Regular Events


  • 9:00 am: Worship (Memorial Auditorium) 

  • 10:00 am: Sunday school on the 4th Floor  

  • 11:00 am: In-person & Live Stream Worship (via our YouTube channel)  

  • 5:00 pm: Middle School Youth Group (@ Middle School room 4th Floor) 

  • 6:15 pm: ALL youth dinner (@ Youth Commons) 

  • 6:45 pm: Senior High Youth Group (@ Senior High room 4th Floor) 


  • 7:15 pm: Boy Scout Troop #920 (@ CUMC's Annex on 5th St)


October 2024 - January 2025

  • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Twin City Conference Boys Basketball (@ Fulton YMCA)


September 11 - November 20, 2024

  • 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Nourish Youth Bible Study

  • 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner @ Memorial Auditorium; 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Bible Study @ senior high youth room) 

January 8 - May 14, 2025

  • 6:00 pm-7:30 pm Confirmation (@ Youth Commons)


  • 5:30 pm: Youth Choir Collective on Fifth (@ Youth Commons)

Monday - Thursday:

  • 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunchtime!  Stop by between Career Center and getting to school for a bite to eat. Bring your lunch!

Middle School

“Come to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple… And now God is building in you, as living stones, into His spiritual temple.” - 1 Peter 2:4-6

Middle Schoolers, youth group is a time of fellowship, fun, focus on scripture, encounters with God, prayer, and small groups. Middle school is one wild & crazy time in your life and our hope is that at Centenary you will find a place where you can just be exactly who you are and know you are seen and loved! All youth 6th-8th grades are invited to join us for this incredible assemblage of awesome students! It won’t be the same without you!

High School

"Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” -John 4:14

High Schoolers, we know how very busy you are and want to honor all that you have going on in your lives…  just as Jesus came to the well to rest, get water, and be refreshed, we too need to rest and receive the living water that only He can offer. We invite you to come to youth group for food, fun, fellowship, intentional spiritual community, prayer, and nourishment for your souls so that you can go out into the rest of your week refreshed, renewed, seen, heard, and loved! All youth 9th-12th grades are invited to come and be a part of this incredible community!


A ministry just for our newest youth in the sixth grade! Join us one Friday night a month to go on an adventure with just your class. We love this ministry that gives us all a chance to build community, grow in our faith, and do some really fun things. Some of our adventures include Laser Tag, Adventure Landing, Celebration Station, Alpha & Omega Corn Maze, Rock Climbing, swimming, and much, much more! For more information and the dates of our events, please visit the weekly update on our webpage or follow us on Instagram.

Confirmation (For Our 7th Graders)

Confirmation, by definition, is faith formation.  Forming one’s faith is an ongoing journey throughout life…however, our hope is that through this Confirmation process, you will be given the opportunity, tools, support, and inspiration you will need to build your faith on a firm foundation (Matthew 7:24-25).  The book we use to help us through the process is called “Way to Live”, edited by Dorothy Bass.  This amazing book was written by youth (& adults) for youth to help them consider how their faith changes the way they live their lives.  We, as Christians, are called to live a life that is different than that of the world, built on the foundation of what we know about God, and whom He created us to be.  What better way to prepare our young people to live out their faith in this world than to help them realize that our faith is tangible?! 

Our Confirmation classes will begin on January 8, 2025. Each class will begin with dinner (provided by Confirmation parents) in the Youth Commons in the Central Building of the church at 6:00 pm followed by class at 6:30 pm in the Middle School Room.  Confirmation class will be over by 7:30 pm (unless otherwise noted).  We will spend each week going through a chapter in our book, engaging in discussion, prayer, journaling, and considering how our faith is lived out in our everyday lives.  Every Confirmand is asked to pick (and personally ask) a Shepherd (see details in the brochure) who will journey through the process with them, meet outside of class once a week to further our discussions, grow in relationship with each other, and pray together.  There are two retreats and a couple of field trips as well!  The hope is that through these experiences, you will come to encounter the living, loving Jesus Christ and will be transformed by that relationship. 

Please contact Tammy Pollock with any questions you may have.  We are super excited for our next class of Confirmands!

Brochure   Register

Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thy Neighbor, led by Centenary's youth, is a ministry of outreach to those who find themselves homeless and marginally housed in downtown Winston-Salem.  We invite our downtown neighbors to join us for a hot lunch, BINGO, and fellowship once a month during the school year.  We also offer a free medical clinic and pharmacy that provides care and help for our neighbors experiencing illness, pain, and who long to be seen, heard, known, and loved. Our hope is as they find Christ-like hospitality, love, and grace here at Centenary, our neighbors will also find a worshipping community to be a part of.

We share this ministry as an expression of Christ’s unconditional love for all of us.  Our hope is for this ministry to transform our community through the love of Jesus and draw others into the presence of the living God and into serving Christ.

Upcoming Dates

Love Thy Neighbor Through the Years

Twin City Conference Boys Basketball

Just in its third season (2024-2025), the Twin City Conference exists in partnership with our friends at the Winston Salem Street School. Centenary, along with our friends from St Paul's Episcopal and First Presbyterian compete in this unique basketball conference November through February every Tuesday at Fulton YMCA (385 W Hanes Mill Rd). We invite all senior high boys who want to join our team to play (High school basketball players who are on the varsity roster of their school are invited to cheer us on from the stands but aren't allowed to play on the team).


Weekly Update

Each week, on Thursday, we send out an email of all our upcoming events and activities! Contact Tammy Pollock to get added to the list.

Resources for Parents
Monthly Forecast

At the beginning of each month, we send out an email forecasting the upcoming monthly news, events, and activities! Below is a catalogue of our previous forecasts. Contact Tammy Pollock to get added to the list.

September 2024 Forecast

October 2024 Forecast

November 2024 Forecast

December 2024 Forecast

January 2025 Forecast

February 2025 Forecast

Summer Mission Trips 2025

As followers of Christ, we believe we are invited to go out into our community, and the world at large, to be the hands and feet of Jesus through mission work and serving others! Each summer our Youth Ministry goes out into the world, serving the Lord, in two different places. Our Senior High Mission (9th-12th graders) Trip partners with YouthWorks to work in a different city or country every July.  These trips are life-changing, giving you the opportunity to encounter Jesus and truly live out the Gospel message to “love God and love Neighbor.” 

What is Mission? 

Webster defines mission as “a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity.”  In the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus tells us that what we do for one another, we do for Him. So, mission is sending people out to serve others on Jesus’ behalf. Clothing those who need to be clothed, feeding those who are hungry, helping those who are sick, visiting those who are in prison. That is mission! It is an outward response to an inward desire to go and do as Jesus calls us to. 

We hope you will pick one OR both of our trips and plan to join us!

Senior High Mission Trip
Bayou La Batre, LA
July 19-27, 2025
If you are a Senior High youth (rising 9th-12th grader) this trip is for YOU! We invite you to join us for a nine-day trip, July 19-27, 2025, with YouthWorks to Bayou La Batre, LA. Each year we partner with this incredible organization. YouthWorks essential core values are being youth-minded and relationship-oriented, focusing on servant leadership, and believing in the life-change that Christ offers us all. All of the very things we value in our youth ministry at Centenary.
Our group will encounter the resilient spirit of Bayou La Batre as you serve through home improvement projects, elder care, and children’s ministries. In the evenings, you’ll experience Dauphin Island, a worship service, and a tour of Bayou La Batre. You’ll also encounter many community friends who have shared their community with YouthWorks staff, students, and adult leaders for years. YouthWorks has partnered with this community since 1998.


Boy Scouts

Interested in joining the Boy Scouts of America? Troop 920 meets at Centenary and is always open to new Scouts. If you are interested in our Scouting program, please contact Scoutmaster, George Lawson at the link below.

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