Browse through the events that are available in which you can participate! You can also download our App: Realm Connect from the Apple App Store or Google Play. If you need assistance setting up your app, contact Mary Ann Wexler.
Learn More
Holy Week Opportunities
Palm Sunday Worship • April 13
9 am Worship in Memorial Auditorium
11 am Worship in the Sanctuary
Monday • April 14 - Friday • April 18
Holy Week Labyrinth • 9:30 am — 6:00 pm • Sanctuary
Enter from 4½ Street and follow signage.
Tuesday • April 15 • Noon
Lenten Noontime Music Series in the Sanctuary
Holy Thursday Worship • April 17 • 7:00 pm
7:00 pm• Maundy Thursday Worship in the Sanctuary
Good Friday Worship • April 18 • 7:00 pm
“The Seven Last Words of Christ” by Theodore Dubois & Tenebrae in the Sanctuary
Easter Sunday Worship • April 20
9 am Worship in Memorial Auditorium
11 am Worship in the Sanctuary
Church-Wide Opportunities
Adult Formation
The First Fifteen
First Fifteen is an intentional practice of spending at least fifteen minutes each day in prayer and reading scripture. If you're ready to begin a new practice, please click on the button below to see a variety of recommended resources to get you started. There are online and print resources, a scripture reading plan you can pick up at church, and an app that parents and kids can use together. For more information, contact Stacy Holley.
2025 Journey Through Luke & Acts
Our year-long journey continues through the books of Luke and Acts, featuring sermons, Bible studies, a weekly reading plan, study guides, and other opportunities to engage with these transformative scriptures.
Children's Ministry
Save These Summer Dates
VBS: June 16-19; 4 year olds - rising 6th graders
Camp Tekoa: July 6-12; rising 4th – 6th graders
Children’s Music and Arts Camp: July 14-17; 2 year olds – rising 5th graders
Older Elementary Mission Week: July 22-24; rising 4th – 6th graders
Watch for registration information in the new year!
Easter Candy Collection
Through April 2, we will be collecting candy to fill our Easter eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt (April 20). Please bring individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy to the buckets at either the 4 1⁄2 Street reception desk or the 5th Street reception desk.
Preteen Scavenger Hunt & Pizza Party
April 6 • 5 pm - 6:45 pm
Church-wide scavenger hunt and pizza party for current 3rd-5th graders (our kiddos who will be able to participate in Preteen VBS this summer (June 16-19)).
Father/Daughter Minigolf
April 27 • 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Calling all fathers and daughters of all ages for a fun afternoon of minigolf, arcade games, and bumper boats at Adventure Landing on Stratford Road! $10/person. Registration opens on April 1!
Family Labyrinth Day
April 18 • 9 am - 11 am
Join us for our first ever Family Labyrinth Day! Celebrate Holy week and learn together about how we can all grow closer to God. This includes a snack, art and musical labyrinth activities.
Tough Questions: Death & Grief
May 4 • 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm
We hope you’ll join us for Tough Questions as we hear and learn from a panel of experts ways to navigate conversations on death and grief with our children. The cost is $15/ person, dinner and free children’s activities for infants-5th graders are provided! Registration opens April 1.
Congregational Care
CareNotes are concise booklets that provide uplifting guidance to those who are hurting. They address topics that include grief, aging, healthcare, mental wellness, family care, spiritual support, and more. Our collection of CareNotes is located on the 3rd floor near the Resource Room.
Flower Ministry
Each week after Sunday worship, the Altar Guild takes the beautiful altar flowers from Centenary’s Sanctuary and creates several small arrangements that are shared with church members and friends who may be homebased, those who may be recovering from surgery, or who just may need a sign of love and care from our congregation. We are in need of someone to help coordinate this congregational care ministry. Volunteers who have a couple hours a week to deliver flowers are also needed. Associate Minister for Congregational Care, Rev. Oliver Helsabeck, will provide the list of persons to receive flowers each week. If you feel a calling to lead this ministry or to help deliver flowers, please contact Oliver.
Centenary Cares
Centenary Cares, a ministry of Shining Light on Mental Health, is a simple way that care and encouragement are extended from Centenary UMC. If someone you know is struggling or has a loved one struggling with mental health, submit the person’s name to Rev. Oliver Helsabeck, Associate Minister for Congregational Care, (336.724.6311 ext. 1357). A member of Shining Light will confidentially deliver a Centenary Cares bag to the recipient. More information can be found here.
Healing Hands
First Mondays • 10 am - Noon
Wednesdays • 6 - 7 pm • Gathering Room
Calling all knitters and crocheters! Join Healing Hands for a time of fellowship, instruction, and service as members create prayer shawls, lap throws, and other handmade items to provide a tangible blessing for people experiencing loss, crisis, or other need for prayerful care. Items are prayed over and blessed to be given away to others in time of need. No experience is necessary. Contact Rev. Oliver Helsabeck or Dianne Moore for more information. Look for a Healing Hands opportunity during Nourish on Wednesday evenings starting in January! No experience is required.
Refresh Prayer Service
Join the Refresh Prayer Ministry for a mid-week service of reflection, music, and prayer. Each Wednesday from Noon-12:15 pm there will be a time for quiet reflection with music, and then the service will begin at 12:15 pm and finish by 12:45 pm. Parking will be available in the Fifth Street parking lot, and you may enter from the Fifth Street entrance to the Sanctuary. For more information, contact Rev. Oliver Helsabeck or Becky Tate.
Peer Connector
If someone in your family is experiencing a crisis of mental health, it’s important to know you are not alone. Shining Light on Mental Health is launching the Peer Connector Ministry, which establishes a confidential connection between you and someone who has experienced a similar situation. Peer Connectors serve as supportive friends and listening ears, and they can provide prayerful, emotional support and can help to direct you to additional support or resources, as needed. Send a confidential message to Rev. Oliver Helsabeck and he will connect you with a Peer Connector.
Justice & Reconciliation
Men's Ministry
Thursday Morning Fellowship
April 3 • 7:30 am - 8:30 am • Community Room
We will gather in the second floor Catering Kitchen for coffee, biscuits, and fellowship. Then we move to the Community Room for prayer, announcements, and a brief presentation by Rev. Meg Peters about the Mission Committee budget and appropriation process. Enter the East Building from the 4 1⁄2 Street or 5th Street entrances. To learn more about Men’s Ministry at Centenary, contact Chris Munnelly, Tanner Robinson, Michael Rogers, or Tom Lawson.
Blood Drive
Tuesday • April 15 • 12:30 pm – 5:00 pm • Community Room
Centenary is partnering with the Red Cross to host a blood drive. If you would like to sign up to donate blood, you may do so below. If you cannot give blood but would like to volunteer, please email Rev. Meg Peters.
Music & Arts
Subscribe to Sightings & Soundings
Check out Centenary’s monthly Music & Arts magazine! Find the latest edition on the Music & Arts page, subscribe by clicking here, or pick up a printed copy from the Music Suite.
Children's Creative Art Experience is Back
There’s still time to register your little ones for CAE! This program includes activities for children ages 2 through 5th grade during Nourish each week. Our 2- and 3-year-olds will wiggle, giggle and grow in a Kindermusik class, and children ages 4+ will have a blast in our Creative Arts Experience exploring singing, chimes, Kindermusik, Orff instruments, drumming, creative movement, drama, visual art, worship leadership and more! Register now by clicking our link below. For more information, contact Virginia Sheffield (Music Ministry Assistant) with any questions.
Children's Music & Art Camp
July 14-17, 2025
The countdown for Camp is officially on! We are thrilled to reveal this year’s theme! We’ll be decking the halls with our creative arts and sharing our festive carols with everyone who’s ready to listen. This year, we’re combining the two “most wonderful times of the year” for a very merry Christmas in July: CMA Camp 2025! Register your child via the QR code today! Open to ages 4 through rising 5th graders. For more information, please contact Music Ministry Assistant, Virginia Sheffield.
Lenten Noontime Music Series
Noon • Tuesdays • March 11 - April 15 • Sanctuary
Join us in the Sanctuary each Tuesday of Lent at noon for a 30-minute musical presentation. Each week will feature a different musician or ensemble. Join us as we prepare our hearts during this season of reflection and contemplation. For questions or more information, please contact Jonathan Emmons. No registration is required.
Senior Adult Ministry
United Women in Faith
Centenary Ornament
The Centenary ornament is still available. It would make a great gift to honor a baptism, confirmation and/or wedding that takes place in our beautiful Sanctuary. If you would like to reserve one, please contact Susan Grubbs. All proceeds go towards the mission projects of the UWF.
Youth Ministry
Listen Event
"Seen" with Dr. Williams
Sunday • April 27 • 5:00 pm • Memorial Auditorium
Centenary Youth Ministry & Shining Light on Mental Health welcomes Dr. Chinwé Williams for a community-wide LISTEN event. Dr. Chinwé is a highly regarded keynote and workshop facilitator. As a board certified and dedicated mental health professional, Dr. Williams is an authority on topics relating to stress, anxiety, burnout, trauma resolution, the intersection of faith, culture, mental health.
All Youth & Parent Game Night
If you’re a 6th-12th grader, March 30 is the night to bring your parents to Sunday Night Youth Group -- as we host our first ever BIG GAME NIGHT! Join us on the 4th floor for an evening of exciting games, competition, food, fun, and faith! As always, friends are welcome, and so are siblings or other family members (for this event). Please be sure to register any guests ahead of time!
Summer in the City 2025
This summer, for the first time, our Youth Ministry will team up with our missional partners to serve right here in Winston Salem for a local mission week. Plan to spend June 10-12, 2025 at Centenary and serving each day at these various partner organizations, worshiping together, growing in your faith & friendships, experiencing some incredible evening activities, and witnessing God in our midst right in our own ‘backyard’. Cost for this mission experience is $200 per person. Mark your calendar and watch for registration and more details coming soon!