Methodist founder John Wesley preached a message of grace, personal holiness, and social holiness - showing Christ’s love by caring for people’s spiritual and physical needs. The UMC continues this today through its Social Principles, local congregations, and the General Board of Church and Society – dedicated to the work of living faith, seeking justice and pursuing peace. Simply put – we want to ensure every human being has the same rights we claim for ourselves, as children of God, equally beloved and all made in His image.
Mapping Prejudice Community Workshop
The J&R Ministry is excited to host a Mapping Prejudice Community Workshop, presented by the Spatial Justice Studio, on Sunday, March 23, from 3:00–5:00 PM in Centenary’s auditorium.
Some of you may remember Dr. Russ Smith from our last spring speaker series kickoff event, Understanding Social Issues in Our Community and the Underlying Issues. Dr. Smith, along with his team at the Spatial Justice Studio, is currently in the second phase of their Mapping Prejudice Project. This project focuses on educating and researching historical racial covenants and their lasting impact on our communities today.
During the workshop, Dr. Smith and his team will guide us through a step-by-step process of identifying these covenants in historical property deeds in Forsyth County, helping map the history of prejudice in our area. The work completed in this workshop will contribute to the final phase of the project, which intends to advocate for legislation to remove racially restrictive language in deeds and develop a community fund to provide financial support to distressed communities.
This event is free and open to both adults and middle/high school youth. Please note that in order to participate, you must bring a laptop—cell phones and iPads are not compatible. While registration is not mandatory, it is encouraged.
Areas of Focus
Based on the interests of our congregation and the needs of our community, Justice & Reconciliation will focus on one or more of the following issues. What do you want to learn more about?
- Food Insecurity (including work with Jim & Betty Holmes Food Bank Garden)
- Housing & Economic Mobility
- Gun Violence
Education & Action
How does Justice & Reconciliation intersect with Centenary’s Missions Committee?
Missions Committee offers relief from hardship, through financial support and volunteer service. This is the first step in social holiness, as emphasized by Methodist founder John Wesley.
Justice & Reconciliation wants to learn why these hardships persist, and how we can work to eliminate those issues. This is the critical next step in social holiness.
If Missions is a relief & service ministry, think of Justice & Reconciliation as an education & action ministry.
Our goal is to “move from mercy to justice” - so that human dignity, self-empowerment, and wholeness are restored – and all God’s children can flourish.
Ways to Get Involved
Study • Serve • Advocate • Witness
- Sign up for our J&R ministry participants mailing list by contacting Rev. Meg Peters or Suzanne Epermanis.
- Learn more about the UMC Social Principles
- Learn more about current issues facing our community
- Volunteer for service & advocacy projects
- Contact your elected officials - find contact info for local, state & national representatives based on your address here.
- Connect with other local groups