We are called to be disciples, that is followers of Jesus Christ. Learning to live and love like Jesus involves intentionality, community, and experiences which invite us to grow in heart, mind, and soul in our relationship with God. The Adult Faith Formation ministry is here to support you in this journey. Through opportunities such as Sunday school classes, biblical and topical studies, small groups, and the First Fifteen Challenge, we seek to draw closer to God and build a community rooted in the love of Christ.

Contact Adult Formation

The First Fifteen

First Fifteen is an intentional practice of spending at least fifteen minutes each day in prayer and reading scripture. If you're ready to begin a new practice, please click on the button below to see a variety of recommended resources to get you started. There are online and print resources, a scripture reading plan you can pick up at church, and an app that parents and kids can use together. For more information, contact Stacy Holley.

Choose A Reading Plan

Adult Sunday School Classes

We offer Sunday school classes for people of all ages. Our classes typically meet at 10 am on Sunday mornings, and classes gather either in person or in a hybrid format. All are welcome!

Some of our adult Sunday morning classes do not meet or meet in a different location during Advent and the Christmas holidays. Please click here to see their schedule.

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Come As You Are (CAYR)

Room 112 Central Building • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

Life is busy. Parenting tweens and teens raises its own set of challenges, none of which are easy to navigate on our own. We face questions like: how do we instill faith and confidence in God in our young people in this challenging world? How do we guide our children through the gauntlet of middle and high school while keeping our focus on God and at the center of our families? How do we continue to nurture and grow our own faith while balancing so many responsibilities? If this is your stage of life, the Come As You Are or CAYR (pronounced “care”) class is for you. This is a community of parents, step-parents, and other adults invested in the lives of tweens and teens. Class is led by facilitators but focused on open, non-judgmental conversation among class members. No need to prepare or read in advance of class. We want you to come as you are! If you have questions or want to know more, please contact Erin Bonsall, Amy Lawson, or Meg Coppley.

Parent Foundations

Room 310 East Building • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

Raising young children is a challenge. From teething and tantrums to homework and soccer practice, it can be hard to find a free minute to spend time with God. We are parents of younger children who participate in member-led studies of books and topics to enhance our faith as parents. The conversation is geared so that those who have not been able to read the material can participate. We also discuss ideas, strategies, and support one another as we hope to raise our children with a strong Christian foundation.

Celebration Class

Room 314 Central Building • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

The Celebration Class includes both adult singles and couples. Our study is member-led and discussion-based. We focus on developing, supporting, growing, and living our Christian faith in today’s world with an emphasis on fellowship, stewardship, prayer, and missions. We send out a weekly e-newsletter containing class news, lesson notes, mission opportunities, prayer requests, and celebrations to help us stay connected throughout the week. All are welcome. Come join us!

Chapel Class

Chapel • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

For anyone thinking of joining us on Sunday -- please come, whether in-person or virtually! We have a wonderful group regularly meeting in the Chapel or participating via Zoom, and we're fully set up for a seamless remote connection by video or phone. This year our classes are being taught by a variety of class members, associate ministers, and others guaranteed to help all of us better understand and deepen our faith.

Mission Possible

Room 107 East Building • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

Mission Possible is a class of primarily couples, age 50+, but all are welcome. We typically follow a book-based study of current authors that have included Michael Brown, Adam Hamilton, Barbara Brown Taylor, Rachel Held Evans, and others. We strive to be mission-oriented as well as socially active within the class. We have the option of in-person or hybrid Zoom attendance to maximize the ability to stay connected.


Room 307 East Building • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

Pathfinders (Ps. 119:105) We are a group of parents of mostly older teens, emerging adults, and young adults who also balance caring for aging parents. We love being together in fellowship and seek to grow closer to Jesus through bible and book studies, prayer, and service. No preparation is ever required. Grab a snack and beverage from the Youth Commons and head to Room 307 in the East building. All are welcome! Contact Amelia Caudle if you are interested in joining.

Sycamore Tree

Room 115 Central Building • 10:00 am • Sunday Mornings

We are a class of couples and singles in the 65+ range who study books that reflect issues concerning religion, faith, and social/moral concerns. We use books of varying viewpoints by a wide range of authors. Visitors are always welcome, and we encourage the respectful expression of all views and opinions. Class members read weekly material beforehand (usually a chapter at a time) and share in the Sunday discussion. We carry out various service projects as the need arises throughout the year and we have occasional social gatherings. Come join us!

Whitfield/Foundations Class

Room 111 Central Building or via Zoom • 9:45 am • Sunday Mornings

We are a senior adult, however, still young at heart Sunday school class. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in room 111 or if you prefer by zoom. We study various books chosen together as a class and different members lead the discussion. We would love to have you join our class.

Study Opportunities

Our study opportunities include a variety of Bible and topical studies. Groups typically meet during the week, either in the daytime or evening. We invite you to join us in engaging our faith more deeply!

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