Baptism is one of the two sacraments that the United Methodist Church celebrates (the other being communion). In sacraments, God is present with the community in a very physical way, in the form of water at baptism and bread and juice in communion. We as United Methodists baptize people of all ages who have never been baptized before and who wish to celebrate God’s claim which we hear at Jesus’ baptism that “this is my child with whom I am well-pleased.”
In order to help families make the most of their child’s baptism day we ask that parents schedule a baptism orientation before scheduling their child’s baptism. To schedule a baptism or baptism orientation contact Rev. Kate May. Baptisms are scheduled at any of our worship services, but we only do one baptism per service.
Centenary Scholarships
Because of the dedication and generosity of past members, Centenary is honored to offer two different types of endowed scholarships. Application deadlines:
- Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund - April 28, 2025
- T.B. and Mary Neal Dixson Foundation - April 28, 2025 at 5 pm EST
Please click on the following links for instructions to submit applications. Applications must be completed in their entirety for consideration. Scholarships may be renewed upon a determination that the recipient has made and will continue to make good use of the gift. However, there is no guarantee that scholarships will be renewed; an application must be made annually.
For more information please contact Stacy Holley.
Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund T.B. and Mary Neal Dixson Foundation
Columbarium & Funerals
In 1990, the Board of Trustees of Centenary United Methodist Church commissioned a committee to study the possible construction of a Columbarium on Church grounds. After intensive study and consultation with many members, in March 1992, the Board of Trustees recommended to the Administrative Board (predecessor of the Church Council) of the Church that a Columbarium be constructed on the West side of the Church sanctuary, to the South of Fifth Street.
The Columbarium stands as a reminder to us that those who went before us are not forgotten and have found peace and rest with God. It is the hope of the Board of Trustees and the Church Council that this valued addition to our Church grounds will inspire reverence for this life and hope for the life to come.
Interested in having a wedding here at Centenary. Click below for more information.
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